What I did yesterday
Yesterday was rather slow for me. A lot of load shedding happening in my vicinity lately so my learning time has been really capped and context switching drained so much of my energy
- Worked up to Day 53 of 100 Days of SwiftUI. I actually wrote haptic feedback code which is a concept I actually hadn’t thought of like that. Shoutout out to Apple for actually making APIs for haptic feedback accessible to developers!
- Picked up the habit of going for morning walks for a while now and today I was blessed with the treasure of finding a tree with a bench under it. The perfect place to listen to podcasts and get fresh air with the sound of birds. Been listening to Alan Watts lately. Lovely thought exercises
- Continuing with Day 54 of 100 Days of SwiftUI. I think I’m going to start working separately on building the social media for book lovers and people who enjoy thought exercises. I can also use this as an aide to my learning process so I don’t get stuck in tutorial hell. I think I’ll model posts.cv as a good starting point